Windward has been involved in the abandonment of Orphaned wells in BC for 13 years resulting in over 20 million dollars in liability retirement. We find that we are often the ones the regulator turns to for advice on competitor’s operations.

Windward has been supplying Petronas(formerly Progress Energy) with Drilling, Completion and Abandonment Wellsite supervisors for over 20 years. Petronas continues to call on Windward to supply local and qualified personnel for their operations.

Monterey Exploration utilized Windward Resources to manage all their drilling, completion and workover operations from inception in 2005 to it’s sale to Pengrowth Energy in 2010. Windward helped to develop and evaluate the Groundbirch Montney play, now Shell Canada’s primary gas production.

Windward has helped Painted Pony move from the small cap producer it started as to the midcap producer it is today. Early on, Windward managed the drilling and completion operations in their entirety, gradually handing off responsibilities as PONY grew. Today Windward still supplies Drilling and Completions supervisors.
- Advantage Oil and Gas Ltd.
- Arsenal Energy Inc.
- Baytex Energy Trust
- Bonavista Petroleum
- Canada Energy Partners
- Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.
- Canadian Spirit Resources Inc.
- Canbriam Energy Inc.
- Central Global Resources
- Cona Resources Ltd.
- Crocotta Energy Inc.
- Dejour Energy Ltd.
- Delphi Energy Corporation
- EnCana Oil and Gas Partnership
- Enercapita
- Enerplus
- Hudson’s Hope Gas
- Husky Oil Operations Ltd.
- Kaiser Energy Ltd.
- Monterey Exploration
- Murphy Oil Company
- Northpoint Energy Ltd.
- NuVista Energy Ltd.
- One Exploration Ltd.
- Paramount Resources Ltd.
- Pavilion Energy Corporation
- Peace River Corporation
- Pengrowth Corporation
- Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
- Petrobakken Energy and Resources Ltd.
- Primavera Resources
- Procyon Energy Corporation
- RedStar Oil and Gas Inc.
- Rising Sky Energy Ltd.
- Signalta Resources Ltd.
- Talisman Energy Canada
- Terra Energy Corporation
- Tourmaline Oil and Gas
- Twin Butte Energy Ltd.
- Unocal Canada Resources
- Venturion Oil